Christina Filossaint: the rule where it states that someone is the head of the government, it's like the rules at my house because my mom is the head of the household.

The laws (rules) are that that is one person is in charge of everything. In my family only one rules the household (no one else) so that person would be my adult sister. (Myrline.M

(Tristian Erdman) the rules of the old existing government is similar to my home because, the parents are the head of the house, they tell us what to do and when to do it for example they tell me to go to bed at 10:00 sharp or what to eat. Or they tell me to do chores like mowing the grass or weed whacking. 

Sherri Duverger: the old rules are like the rule in my household because my mom is the boss of the house what she says goes’s no if’s ands or butts. Just the other day I asked her if I could go to the mall and she said no but then I kept asking her bit she just kept saying no.

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