Myrline M: I think that our society's written plan or constitution would have to be not too detailed or complicated. The reason being is that I believe that if our constitution was so detailed that we would no longer be a continual monarchy our whole society would be came more of a communist government because Communist government is usually the government that has a lot of strict rules that controls the life of the people living there. What they eat, where they live, when they go to school, etc. And we don’t want that kind of government of type of society; I think that our society would work out fine.

Sherri:I don’t think our utopia has to have a too detailed or complicated written plan or constitution because our city does not have a strict government (constitutional monarchy).Even if Youneedawinterfresh is a constitutional monarchy ruled by a king or queen, the king or queen has as much power as a regular citizen because the parliament tells or controls what the why the king or queen rules over the people of that society, also because Youneedawinterfresh is a fun and peaceful utopia where the people are always on good behavior. 

I don' think our utopia has to have a detailed or complicated written plan. I say this because if our written plan is too complicated then it would seem like our government is not a constitutional monarchy but a dictatorship government. In our society we don't want people to think that they don't have any freedom or rights to do what they want to do when they want to do it. At the same time we don't want our people in the society to go crazy. Therefore, it's better if our written plan isn't too complicated.

(Tristian Erdman) I think that we should have a detailed constitution because so that our society would be peaceful instead of full of crime. and people won’t go crazy doing whatever they want like pick their own jobs we would choose for them so it fits them perfectly based on what they spend most of their time at so they don’t lose their jobs or quite.

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