Myrline M: The importance of step by step planning of a video before actually filming it is that if you didn't plan before filming then you would have made many mistakes without noticing. Also, the video probably wouldn't come out the way you imagined it to. What I found most important about planning is making sure that we do everything 

Sherri Duverger: It's important to plan step by step videos before filming it because when you start filming it everything is flawless and or you can fix any problems before filming it. Also what I found most important is that as you plan you get the general idea of what the video will come out to be.  

Tristian Erdman: It is important to plan before filming because if you simply put together a video without practicing and knowing how things are going to be done and when they are going to be done, then your video would be a total mess. What I found most important about planning is making sure people know their lines that they are suppose to say and how they are suppose to say it.
Christina Filossaint: The importance of step by step planning of a video before actually filming is that the people that are going to be in the video understands and learns their part. Also, if you think you're just going to film before practicing shooting the video is going to be a total disaster. What I found most important about planning is making sure you get every little detail such as music, positions you will stand during shooting the video etc.

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