Sherri D: Designer babies-you can make a baby with the characteristics you choose, the baby can be born without any diseases, it can be born without any defects like dyslexia.

Three benefits of bioengineering about Designer babies is that Parents have the choose to have a designer baby in  order to help their sick child with a rare disease , chose the character traits of the baby(gender, intelligent, and skin), and the baby would be everything the parents wanted. (Myrline.M) 

Christina Filossaint: Three benefits of designer babies is that the parent chooses the traits of the baby, wipe out diseases caused by the equivalent of faulty batteries in cells, including muscular dystrophy, and advanced reproductive technologies allow parents and doctors to screen embryos for genetic disorders and select healthy embryos.

(Tristian Erdman) Three benefits of designer babies is that that there characteristics can be chosen for example their hair color and eye color can be chosen and stuff like being smart or athletic too. You can also fix any bugs like mental defects or get rid of any diseases like asthma.

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