
Myrline M: The job in a society that I feel is most important would be the job of the highest person either if it’s a president, major, governor, or even a king or queen. Because that person is responsible for the whole society they have to check in with all these other people. for example if the president wanted to find out how much money the community has in the budget he or she would call or meet with the city manner to find out the accurate amount. 

Christina Filossaint: the job in a society that I feel is most important would be the president, city planner or the state governor. I think this because a president is in charge of everything like the laws. But on the other hand a city planner makes sure the city has enough water for everyone in the city, he/she also takes care of the electrical lights in city, and much more.

Sherri Duverger: I think the most important job in the society would be the king, queen, president, major, city planner and the state governor. The reason why I say this is because when you are the highest of the society you hold more responsibility over the people in the society.

Tristian Erdman: The most important job I think in a society is
Is being the city manager because they have to make sure every home in the society receives the right amount of fresh water. Another thing a city planner does is making sure that people are taking care of their property. For example, if someone hasn't cut their lawn in weeks and the next door neighbor files a complaint the city manager has to come into the picture. Another important job to me is being the city planner because they have to make sure that the land they build on meets society standards like recreational parks, malls, grocery stores and hospitals.

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